Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tag i'm it...

Today My Mom, Dawn and I took a really cool class at Paper Tales. We had such a wonderful time! We sat with a lady named Margie that was just a blast... She was so much fun!

We made Pixies and a Fairy House... What a fun project! Who would of ever guessed that I could turn Brandi and Boomer into Pixies?

Tonight my Mom and I watched Broken Bridges with Toby Keith, I do have to admit that man is sexy... I mean HOT and Sexy... OUCH!

I know that since I'm getting stronger every day and soon it will be time for my Mom to go home... I know that she is ready and I need to be strong.
But I do have to admit it's hard. I know that it has to happen, but the thought of life moving on with my Daddy is just so heartbreaking!!
I know that we have to start finding our way it's just so sad... I know that she is sad too and wants to go home and be where they were together. But I'm gonna miss her like crazy!

Okay enough of that Staci tagged me so here it goes...

The rules of the game are posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves's them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

10 years ago: I was still in my 20's having the time of my life being WILD and CRAZY!! I had 1 nephew Justin, that I loved and spoiled like crazy... I worked for Connie Kalitta as a user support manager for the Help Desk. I hung with the Hoochies and had dinner with my family every Sunday. I believe that was the year that I started Scrapbooking also...

Things on my to-do list today: Go with Dawn and my Mom to our class... Come home and spend time with my mom... Marty went out with his friends...

What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire: I would take care my Family and Marty's. We would build a custom home with a MIL Loft so my mom could live with us..
I would give all my close friends so money to make like easier. I would start in foundation in my Dad's name.

3 of my bad habits: smoking, not enough exercise and time management

3 places I have lived: Belleville Michigan, El Cajon Ca. and Westland Michigan

5 jobs that I have had: Cashier at Meijers, Proof operator at NBD, User support manager, Project Manager, Recruiter - Head Hunter

5 things people don't know about me: I was afraid of getting married for many years, despite the fact that my parents had an AWESOME marriage.
I baby my brother and sister and act like their second mother more then I should.
I'm afraid of heights
I'm a klutz
My parents spoil me rotten!

Alright there it is... I'm going to tag Heather, Jolene and Jen...


1 comment:

Staci Compher said...

I've missed 3 posts!!! so glad to see your blog going was great seeing you today...., stay strong...girl....!! a cashier at meijers...?? I did'nt know that.....